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国外アート 西洋中世美術 ルネサンス バロック 印象派 印象派後期 現代アート(国外) 東洋アート 仏像 国内アート 江戸絵画(浮世絵以外) 浮世絵 近代日本美術 戦争画 現代アート(国内) アート一般 書籍 音楽 映画・写真 講演会 北海道の鈴 東北の鈴 関東の鈴 中部の鈴 関西の鈴 中四国の鈴 九州の鈴 ヨーロッパのベル アジアのベル アメリカのベル オーストラリアのベル 未分類 フォロー中のブログ
Ⅰ.錦絵による「百人一首・姥がゑとき」一覧(27点)参照ブログ 27図のうち5図(*印)は永寿堂(西村屋与八)出版、その他の22図は栄樹堂(伊勢屋三女郎)出版。 1.天智天皇*001 2.持統天皇*002 3.柿本人麻呂*003 4.山辺赤人004 5.猿丸太夫005 6.中納言家持*006 7.安倍仲麿007 8.小野小町009 9.参議 篁011 10.僧正遍照012 11.在原業平朝臣017 12.藤原敏行朝臣018 13.伊勢019 14.元良親王020 15.菅家 024 16・貞信公 026 17.源宗于朝臣028 18.春道列樹032 19.清原深養父036 20.文屋朝康037 21.参議 等039 22.大中臣能宣 049 23.藤原義孝 050 24.藤原道信朝臣 052 25.三条院068 26.大納言経信071 27.権中納言定家097 Ⅱ.復刻亜鉛版による「百人一首・姥がゑとき」複製図一覧(77点) 参照ブログ ・重複3図、欠損1ページには、通し番号なし 1. Print No. 1 Tenji Tenno 2. Print No. 2 Jito Tenno 3. Print No. 3 Kakinomoto no Hitamaro 4. Print No. 4 Yamabe no Akahito 5. Print No. 5 Sarumaru Taifu 6. Print No. 6 Chunagon Yakamochi 7. Print No. 7 Abe no Nakamaro 8. Print No. 8 Ono no Komachi 9. Print No. 9 Sangi Takamura 10. Print No. 10 Sojo Henjo ・Print No. 11 Arihara no Narihira Ason (No Page at Freer-Sackler) 11. Print No. 12 Fujiwara no Toshiyuki Ason 12. Print No. 13 Ise 13. Print No. 14 Motoyoshi Shinno 14. Print No. 15 Kanke 15. Print No. 16 Teishin Ko 16. Print No. 17 Minamoto no Muneyuki Ason ・Print No. 18 Harumiti no Turaki(same as Print No. 32) ・Print No. 19 Kiyohara no Fukayabu (same as Print No.36) ・Print No. 20 Bunya no Asayasu8(same as Print No. 37) 17. Print No. 21 Sosei Hoshi 18. Print No. 22 Bunya no Yasuhide 19. Print No. 23 Oe no Chisato 20. Print No. 25 Sanjo no Udaijin 21. Print No. 31 Sakanoue Korenori 22. Print No. 32 Harumichi no Tsuraki 23. Print No. 33 Ki no Tomonori 24. Print No. 34 Fujiwara no Okikaze 25. Print No. 35 Ki no Tsurayuki 26. Print No. 36 Kiyohara no Fukayabu 27. Print No. 37 Bunya no Asayasu 28. Print No. 38 Sangi Hitosi 29. Print No. 42 Kiyohara no Motosuke 30. Print No. 43 Chunagon Atsutada 31. Print No. 44 Chunagon Atsutada 32. Print No. 45 Kentoku Ko 33. Print No. 47 Egyo Hoshi 34. Print No. 49 Onakatomi no Yoshinobu Ason 35. Print No. 50 Fujiwara no Yositaka 36. Print No. 51 Fujiwara no Sanekata 37. Print No. 52 Fujiwara no Michinobu Ason 38. Print No. 53 Udaisho Michitsuna no Haha 39. Print No. 55 Dainagon Kinto 40. Print No. 56 Izumi Shikibu 41. Print No. 57 Murasaki Shikibu 42. Print No. 59 Akazome Emon 43. Print No. 60 Koshikibu no Naishi 44. Print No. 61 Ise no Taifu 45. Print No. 62 Sei Shonagon 46. Print No. 63 Sakyo Daibu Michimasa 47. Print No. 64 GonChunagon Sadayori 48. Print No. 65 Sagami 49. Print No. 67 Suo no Naishi 50. Print No. 68 Sanjo 51. Print No. 69 Noin Hosh 52. Print No. 70 Ryosen Hoshi 53. Print No. 71 Dainagon Tsunenobu 54. Print No. 72 Yushi Nai Shinno Ke no Kii 55. Print No. 73 Gon Chunagon Masafusa 56. Print No. 74 Minamoto no Toshiyori Ason 57. Print No. 75 Fujiwara no Mototoshi 58. Print No. 76 Hoshojino Nyudo Saki no Kampaku Daijo Daijin 59. Print No. 77 Sutoku In 60. Print No. 79 Sakyo no Daibu Akisuke 61. Print No. 80 Taiken Monin no Horikawa 62. Print No. 81 Gotoku Daiji Sadaijin 63. Print No. 83 Kotaikogu Daibu Shunzei 64. Print No. 84 Fujiwara no Kiyosuke Ason 65. Print No. 85 Shune Hoshi 66. Print No. 86 Saigyo Hoshi 67. Print No. 87 Jakuren Hoshi 68. Print No. 88 Koka Monin no Beto 69. Print No. 89 Shikishi Nai Shinno 70. Print No. 91 Go Kyogoku Sessho Saki no Daijo Daijin 71. Print No. 92 Nijo In no Sanki 72. Print No. 93 Kamakura no Usaijin 73. Print No. 95 Daisojo Jien 74. Print No. 96 Nyudo Sakino Kanpaku Dajodaijin 75. Print No. 97 Gon Chunagon Teika 76. Print No. 98 Juni I Ietaka 77. Print No. 99 Gotoba In Ⅲ.フリーア・サックラー美術館蔵の「百人一首・姥がゑとき」版下絵(29点)一覧 参照ブログ 1-10 Semimaru 蝉丸 2-13 Yozei in 陽成院 3-22 Bunya no Yasuhide (Fun’ya no Yasuhide) 文屋康秀 4-33 Ki no Tomonori 紀友則 5-38 Ukon 右近 6-42 Fujiwara Koretada 清原元輔 7-44 Fujiwara no Asatada 中納言朝忠 8-45 Fujiwara Koretada 謙徳公 9-47 Ekei Hoshi 恵慶法師 10-55 Fujiwara no Kinto 大納言公任 11-56 Izumi Shikibu 和泉式部 12-60 Koshikibu no Naishi 小式部内侍 13-62 Sei Shonagon 清少納言 14-64 Gon Chunagon Sadayor i権中納言定頼 15-65 Sagami 相模 16-67 Suo no Naishi 周防内侍 17-69 Noin Hoshi 能因法師 18-77 Sutokuin 崇徳院 19-78 Minamoto no Kanemasa 源兼昌 20-79 Fujiwara no Akisuke (Sakyo no Daibu Akisuke) 左京大夫顕輔 21-80 Taikenmon’in no Horikawa 待賢門院堀河 22-84 Fujiwara no Kiyosuke Ason 藤原清輔朝臣 23-85 Monk Shun’ei Hoshi 俊惠法師 24-87 Jakuren Hoshi 寂蓮法師 25-89 Shokushi Nai Shinno 式子内親王 26-92 Nijoin no Sanuki 二条院讃岐 27-93 Kamakura no Udaijin 鎌倉右大臣 28-98 Juni’ i etaka 従二位家隆 29-99 Gotoba In 後鳥羽院 Ⅳ.フリーア・サックラー以外の美術館蔵の版下絵(8点)一覧 参照ブログ ・1-15 光孝天皇 葛飾北斎美術館 ・2-27 中納言兼輔 大英博物館 ・3-30 坂ノ上是則 大英博物館 ・4-40 平兼盛 大英博物館 ・5-41 壬生忠見 葛飾北斎美術館 ・6-51 藤原実方朝臣 V&A美術館 ・7-88 皇道門院別当 大英博物館 ・8-96 法性寺入道前関白太政大臣 V&A美術館 Ⅴ.《百人一首・姥がゑとき》100点の記録 by TORA As a result of recent research by TORA, a total of 90 designs have been located bringing us closer to the total of 100. There remain two issues to be solved as to the identificaton of 015 and 016. 001 completed print form 002 completed print form 003 completed print form 004 completed print form 005 completed print form 006 completed print form 007 completed print form 008 zink plate 009 zink plate 010 hamsita-e 011 completed print form 012 completed print form 013 hansita-e 014 zink plate 015? hannnsita-e 016? zink plate 017 completed print form 018 completed print form 019 completed print form 020 completed print form 021 zink plate 022 hamsita-e 023 zink plate 024 completed print form 025 zink plate 026 completed print form 027 hamsita-e 028 completed print form 029 unknown1 030 hamsita-e 031 zink plate 032 completed print form 033 hamsita-e 034 zink plate 035 zink plate 036 completed print form 037 zink plate 038 hamsita-e 039 completed print form 040 hamsita-e 041 hamsita-e 042 hamsita-e 043 zink plate 044 hamsita-e 045 hamsita-e 046 unknown2 047 hamsita-e 048 unknown3 049 completed print form 050 completed print form 051 hamsita-e 052 completed print form 053 zink plate 054 unknwn4 055 hamsita-e 056 hamsita-e 057 zink plate 058 uknown5 059 zink plate 060 hamsita-e 061 zink plate 062 hamsita-e 063 zink plate 064 hamsita-e 065 hamsita-e 066 unknown6 067 hamsita-e 068 completed print form 069 hamsita-e 070 zink plate 071 completed print form 072 zink plate 073 zink plate 074 zink plate 075 zink plate 076 zink plate 077 hamsita-e 078 hamsita-e 079 hamsita-e 080 hamsita-e 081 zink plate 082 unknown7 083 zink plate 084 hamsita-e 085 hamsita-e 086 zink plate 087 hamsita-e 088 hamsita-e 089 hamsita-e 090 unknown8 091 zink plate 092 hamsita-e 093 hamsita-e 094 unknown9 095 zink plate 096 hamsita-e 097 completed print form 098 hamsita-e 099 zink plate 100 unknown10 「版下絵」というのは墨版作成時に失われてしまうものなので、このように下絵が多数残っているというのは、「出版社の意向でボツになり出版に至らなかった」か「下絵の下絵」のどちらかだと思われる。 《百人一首・姥がゑとき》の場合には、絵師・北斎は百図すべての錦絵を作りたかったのであるから、版下絵が多数残っているのは、売れない《百人一首・姥がゑとき》の出版を途中から控えた栄樹堂・伊勢屋三女郎の意向だったのだろう。 Ⅵ.《百人一首・姥がゑとき》100点の記録 @フリーア・サックラー Historians of Japanese prints and of Far Eastern art have known this series in the past primarily through the existence of 27 designs of the originally contemplated 100 which were completed and printed. It was also known that a certain number, usually reported as 14 "hanshita-e" or final sketches, existed in the collection of Dr. Ernst Hart in England. Other than that total of 41, however, little was known. As a result of recent research, however, a total of 88 designs have been located bringing us closer to the total of 100. The "hanshita-e" is a rather unusual object in Japanese art, for, as a part of the process of completing a wood-block print, the "hanshita-e" is destroyed. The exact method of producing it was in the following manners: When an artist decided to create a print, or was commissioned to do a print, he would make sketches. After he had achieved what was to be his final design, he would transfer it to a thin sheet of paper much like tissue paper. This final sketch produced on very thin tissue paper is what is known as a "hanshita-e". This was then turned over to the publisher or directly to the engraver who would paste it in reverse on to a block of hard wood, usually cherry, and then proceed to carve the design into the block and thus destroy the original sketch. After the block was cut, black-and-white proofs would be run off for the artist’s and publisher’s approval. Many of the newly rediscovered designs to this series remain in the hanshita-e or final sketchform. The Freer Gallery now possesses 38 of the "hanshita-e". The complete series, as it can be documented today, is as follows: (I shall give the number of the print and name of the poet represented in the set, and then its status. Many of these have undoubtedly since changed hands and the present whereabouts are not certain. We do, however, have reproductions at the Freer made from zinc blocks by Gillot in Paris in the late 19th century of many of these, so that, regardless of current whereabouts, the design is known.) 1. Tenji Tenno [CHN], d. 671 -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 2. Jito Tenno [CHN], d. 702 -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 3. Kakinomoto no Hitamaro [CHN], dated uncertain, active late 7th century -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 4. Yamabe no Akahito [CHN], dated uncertain, active Tempyo era (729-49) -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 5. Sarumaru Taifu [CHN], 8th century -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 6. Chunagon Yakamochi [CHN], d. 785 -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 7. Abe no Nakamaro [CHN], d. 780 -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 8. Kisen Hoshi [CHN], dates uncertain, active circa Konin era. 810-824 -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.548 9. Ono no Komachi [CHN], dates uncertain, active circa mid-9th centiury -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 10. Semimaru [CHN], dates uncertain, 9th century -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.549 11. Sangi Takamura [CHN], dates uncertain, d. 852 (?)-- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 12. Sojo Hensho [CHN], 816-890 -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 13. Yozei in [CHN], reigned 876-884 -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.550. 14. Kawara no Sadajin [CHN], d. 949 ? -- hanshita-e -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 15. Koko Tenno [CHN], reigned 884-887 -- unknown1. 16. Chunagon Yukihira [CHN], d. 893 ? -- unknown2. 17. Ariwara no Narihira Ason [CHN], 825-880 -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 18. Fujiwara no Toshiyuki Ason [CHN], 880-907 -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 19. Ise [CHN], dates uncertain, early Heian period -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 20. Motoyoshi Shinno [CHN], d. 943 -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 21. Sosei Hoshi [CHN], born circa 850 -- hanshita-e from the Hart collection; completed print made from it in 1921 by Sato Shotaro 22. Bunya no Yasuhide [CHN], 9th century -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.551 23. Oe no Chisato [CHN], late 9th century -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.552 24. Kanke [CHN], d. 903 -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 25. Sanjo no Udaijin [CHN], d. 932 -- hanshita-e -- E. Hart to W.O. Danckwerts to Wilson Collection, Sotherby Catalogue, Auction July 22, 1914, No. 285 26. Teishin Ko [CHN], d. 936 – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Arts 27. Chunagon Kanesuke [CHN], d. 933 – hanshita-e – British Museum 28. Minamoto no Muneyuki Ason [CHN], d. 940 – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Arts 29. Oshikochi no Mitsune [CHN], early 10th century – unknown3. 30. Mibu no Tadamine [CHN], d. 965 – hanshita-e, zinc plate by Gillot, black-and-white print made from it in 1921 by Sato Shotaro 31. Sakanoue Korenori [CHN], -- hanshita-e – Birtish Museum 32. Harumichi no Tsuraki [CHN] – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Arts 33. Ki no Tomonori [CHN] – hansihita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.553 34. Fujiwara no Okikaze [CHN] – hanshita-e from Hart Collection, zinc plate by Gillot 35. Ki no Tsurayuki [CHN] – zinc plate by Gillot 36. Kiyohara no Fukayabu [CHN] – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Arts 37. Bunya no Asayasu [CHN] – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Arts 38. Ukon [CHN] – hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.554 39. Sangi Hitoshi [CHN] – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Art 40. Taira no Kanemori [CHN] – hanshita-e – British Museum 41. Mibu no Tadami [CHN] – unknown4. 42. Kiyohara no Motosuke [CHN] hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.555 43. Chunagon Atsutada [CHN] – hanshita-e – E. Hart to W.O. Danckwerts to Tregaskis Collection, Sotheby Catalogue, Auction July 22, 1914, No. 286; zinc plate by Gillot, completed print made from it in 1921 by Sato Shotaro 44. Chunagon Asatada [CHN] – hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.556 45. Kentoku Ko [CHN] – hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.557 46. Sone no Yoshitada [CHN] – unknown5. 47. Ekei Hoshi [CHN] – hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.558 48. Minamoto no Shigeyuki [CHN] – unknown6. 49. Onakatomi no Yoshiobu Ason [CHN] – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Arts 50. Fujiwara no Yoshitaka [CHN] – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Arts 51. Fujiwara no Sanekata Ason [CH] – zinc plate by Gillot 52. Fujiwara no Michinobu Ason [CHN] – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Arts 53. Udaisho Michitsuna no Haha [CHN] – hanshita-e – Hart Collection; zinc plate by Gillot 54. Gido Sanshi no Haha [CHN] – unknown7. 55. Dainagon Kinto [CHN] – hanshita –e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.559 56. Izumi Shikibu [CHN] – hanshita –e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.560 57. Murasaki Shikibu [CHN] – hanshita –e – Hart to Samuel to Bateson to R.E. Lewis Collection to Freer Gallery of Art F1855.4 58. Daini no Sanmi [CHN] – unknown8. 59. Akazome Emon [CHN] – hanshita-e – W.O. Danckwerts to Tregaskis Collection, Sotherby Catalogue Auction July 22, 1914, No. 287. Zinc plate by Gillot, completed print made from it in 1921 by Sato Shotaro. 60. Koshikibu no Naishi [CHN] – hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.561 61. Ise no Taifu [CHN] – zinc plate by Gillot 62. Sei Shonagon [CHN] – hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.562 63. Sakyo Daibu Michimasa [CHN] – zinc plate by Gillot 64. Gon Chunagon Sadayori [CHN] – hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.563 65. Sagami [CHN] – hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.564 66. Saki no Dai Sojo Gyoson [CHN] – unknown9. 67. Suo no Naishi [CHN] – hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.565 68. Sanjo In [CHN] – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Arts 69. Noin Hoshi [CHN] – hanshita-e – Freer Gallery of Art F1907.566 70. Ryosen Hoshi [CHN] – hanshita-e – Hart to Samuel to Bateson to R.E. Lewis Collectio to Freer Gallery of Art F1855.5 71. Dainagon Tsunenobu [CHN] – completed print form – Boston Museum of Fine Arts 72. Yushi Nai Shinno Keno Kii [CHN] – hanshita-e – Hart to Samuel to Bateson to R.E. Lewis Collection to Freer Gallery of Art F1855.3 73. Gon Chunagon Masafusa [CHN] – hanshita-e – Hart Collection to Sotheby Sale Catalogue March 2, 1916; Pl. xii no. 401. Zinc plate by Gillot; completed print made from it in 1921 by Sato Shotaro. 74. Minamoto no Toshiyori Ason [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 75. Fujiwara no Mototoshi [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 76. Hoshoji no Nyudo Saki no Kampaku Daijo Daijin [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Victoria and Albert Museum 77. Sutoku In [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.567. 78. Minamoto no Kanemasa [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.568. 79. Sakyo no Daibu Akisuke [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.569. 80. Taiken Monin no Horikawa [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.570. 81. Gotoku Daiji Sadaijin [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Harold Hartley to Philip James Collection; zinc plate by Gillot. 82. Doin Hoshi [CHN] -- unknown10. 83. Kotaikogu Daibu Shunzei [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Hart to Samuel to Bateson to R.E. Lewis Collection To Freer Gallery of Art F1855.6. 84. Fujiwara no Kiyosuke Ason [CHN] -- hanshitae-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.571. 85. Shune Hoshi [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.572. 86. Saigyo Hoshi [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.573. 87. Jakuren Hoshi [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.574. 88. Koka Monin no Beto [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- British Museum 89. Shokushi Nai Shinno [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.575. 90. Imbu Monin Taifu [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Metropolitan Museum of Art 91. Go Kyogoku Sessho Saki no Daijin [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1903.288. 92. Nijo In no Sanuki [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.576. 93. Kamakura no Udaijin [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.577. 94. Sangi Masatsune [CHN] -- unknown11. 95. Daisojo Jien [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Hayashi and "M" Collection; zinc plate by Gillot. 96. Nyudo Saki no Daijo Daijin [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.578. 97. Gon Chunagon Teika [CHN] -- completed print form -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts 98. Juni I Ietaka [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.579. 99. Gotoba In [CHN] -- hanshita-e -- Freer Gallery of Art F1907.580. 100. Juntoku In [CHN] -- unknown12. The series was produced toward the end of the 1830's and thus when Hokusai had entered his late 70's. The date 1838 is often associated with them. The brush-work is superb and these hanshita-e clearly reveal his great draftsmanship. The theme of the series, The One Hundred Master Poest, is a traditional one used by many Japanese artists. It was very often utilized in a parody as a theme by the members of the ukiyoe school. Most of the poems appear to be associated with love lyrics. Most often there is but a slight or hidden relationship between the sketch and the poem. Each hanshita-e contains the title of the series in a narrow rectangular cartouche next to a larger cartouche that holds the name of the poet and one of the poems. Hokusai's signature Zen Hokusai Manji [CHN] appears on each drawing. He delighted in changing the characters used for the title. Each sketch bears a seal in reverse which may be read Gyosai Shujin [CHN]. Gyosai was a friend of Hokusai's and became a noted artist. He lived from 1831 to 1889. 美術散歩 管理人 とら
by cardiacsurgery
| 2018-01-30 11:48
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